Alternative Progressive Media Web Sites  (compiled by Paul Boisvert)                 GOOGLE         OCCFA Union
Notes and Links: 
Note on using the sites below                   Mainstream Media Concentration -- Explanations and links on corporate media conglomeration
My Critical Thinking Page                       . OESR -- Oakton Educators for Social Responsibility
Back to Paul Boisvert Faculty Home Page   . S4SJ  -- Oakton Students 4 Social Justice)

The Myth of the Liberal Media   "A survey conducted before Election 2000 by the industry magazine, Editor & Publisher, found a strong bias in favor of George W. Bush  among top editorial decision-makers nationwide.  Newspaper editors and publishers favored Bush by a 2-to-1 margin, according to the survey of nearly 200 editors and publishers.  Publishers, who are at the pinnacle of power within news organizations, were even more pro-Bush, favoring the then-Texas governor by a 3-to-1 margin, E&P reported. Gazing through the rose colors of their pro-Bush glasses, the news executives incorrectly predicted a Bush electoral landslide in November 2000.  [See E&P, Nov. 2000]" 

The Economics/Finance Blogs I Read Daily (along with New Economic Perspectives, below.)
Dean Baker  (Beat the Press) -- best single quick read of all.
Naked -- by Yves Smith:  lots of good links to various stuff, and to many other good blogs.

Paul Krugman

Modern Monetary Theory  (the correct macroeconomic theory of capitalism:  government spending is good!)
New Economic Perspectives
Warren Mosler Economics
Bill Mitchell -- billy blog

A Very Comprehensive Set of Progressive Links, Organized by Subject
ISO Links  International Socialist Organization has a wide variety of links to progressive sites (mostly non-socialist).

Other Recommended Sites:
F.A.I.R. -- Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting     .Progressive Critique of Media Coverage of Terrorism (& other issues)
Nation Magazine     The oldest and most widely-known and respected progressive magazine in the U.S.
ZNet   and   Z Magazine   One of the best overall progressive on-line info sources.  Comprehensive, good starting point for most topics.
Counterpunch  (Run by Alexander Cockburn)  The commentators he gathers are usually provocative, and largely convincing. 
Institute for Policy Studies
New Left Review     Articles often written at a somewhat higher, more abstract analytical level.  For the more sophisticated/experienced reader.
Dollars and Sense   Clear, down-to-earth writing about the economy.  Good starting point on major economic issues.  A Climate Science "listserve/chat-room/blog", run by qualified scientists.  Very useful for global warming context. 
United for Peace and Justice     Biggest Anti-War coalition 
Union of Concerned Scientists   Accurate, Progressive Science
PERI  Political Economy Research Institute
David Schweikart Articles  His market socialism plan, "Economic Democracy" is lucid and well-thought out. Recommended.

Alphabetical Index of All Organizations:
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Association):  Patriot Act Page . Linked to ACLU Homepage as well.
American Prospect
Amnesty International Reports by Country
Bitch Magazine--Feminist Response to Pop Culture
Braudel Center & Commentaries.Papers and shorter pieces, mainly by Immanuel Wallerstein, on World Systems Theory and Capitalism. 
Center for Economic and Policy Research  (CEPR)
Center for Media and Democracy and SourceWatch  . Formerly "Disinfopedia", now renamed; SourceWatch monitors corporate PR & spin.
Central Asia Caucus Analyst Homepage
Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights
Chicago Area Participatory Economics Society
Citizens Environmental Coalition    Mainly deals with Houston TX, but covers rest of Gulf Coast, too--incl. New Orleans, Katrina
Code Pink   Women for Peace
Combatants For Peace   Group of Israelis and Palestinians who were former "soldiers" for their causes, but who now advocate a just peace.
Common Dreams News Center -- Breaking News and Views
Counterpunch  (Run by Alexander Cockburn)   . The commentators he gathers are always provocative, and usually cogent. 
CovertAction Quarterly   Often quite "raw" in its topical coverage & its radical, perhaps conspiratorial, politics.  Well worth reading, though.
Dahr Jamail  . This independent journalist in Iraq gives far more in-depth (and disturbing) coverage than mainstream media.
Dissent Magazine
Dissident Voice   A newsletter about the peace movement and social justice--has a very nice set of links to other good sites.
Dollars and Sense   Clear, down-to-earth writing about the economy.  Good starting point on major economic issues.
Economic Policy Institute  (EPI)
F.A.I.R. -- Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting     Progressive Critique of Media Coverage of Terrorism (& other issues)
Faculty For Israeli-Palestinian Peace
FreePress.Net.   . An important media reform site.
Global Exchange   "Fair Trade" products,and other world-wide Human Rights issues
Global Warming  .  Documents, explains, & opposes global warming. Good overview of issues.
GPUS:  Green Party of the U.S.    Ten Key Values     Platform    The larger, more politically functional of the 2 "Green Parties" in the U.S. 
    Campus Greens Homepage   Student affiliates of GPUS
    History of the Green Party    .Also examines the 2 different U.S. Green Parties: the main one, GPUS & the much smaller Greens/GPUSA.
Green Left Weekly   Australian environmental issues from Down Under!
Grist. Progressive environmental advocay and news, with some humor, too.
Hightower's Home Page   Jim Hightower, Texas populist and progressive.
Inside Higher   Can't tell yet how progressive, but seems frank, honest, good source of news, views...and fun!
Institute for Policy Studies
Institute for Public Accuracy
International Socialist Review
In These Times
Iraq Index--by Brookings Institute:   Up-to-date info on many aspects of Iraq. Uses mainly US govt. sources, often unduly optimistic.
Iraq OccupationWatch   A good, general site for all types of news about the ongoing Occupation of Iraq.
Labor Bibliography
Left Business Observer
Left Turn Magazine
Le Monde Diplomatique   Not the mainstream French newspaper "Le Monde".  LMD is an alternative source--only some articles are free online.
Liberal Oasis
Librarian's Index to the Internet
London Review of Books
Make Them
MERIP-Middle East Research and Information Project
Michael Moore's Website . Nice compilation of articles from other progressive media, grouped by major topic.  Good starting point to browse about topics.
Midwest Social Forum  . Annual gathering of various progressive people & organizations committed to social and economic justice. 
MrZine -- Monthly Review Online Magazine  Not quite same as (related) website of "Monthly Review", to which it links.  Both are good.
Mother Jones
Nation Magazine   The oldest and most widely-known and respected progressive magazine in the U.S.
New Left Review   .Articles often written at a slightly higher, more abstract analytical level.  For the more sophisticated/experienced reader.
New Politics
Occupation Watch  A good, general site for all types of news about the ongoing Occupation of Iraq.
Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for a National Health Program
Progressive Magazine A Climate Science "listserve/chat-room/blog", run by qualified scientists.  Very useful for global warming context. 
School of the Americas (SOA) Watch   S.O.A. is the U.S. training camp for violent, oppressive, rightwing military and paramilitary groups.
Socialist Register  Annual issue, with depth and complexity of analyisis--not for quick reading or browsing.
Socialist Review  Monthly; mainly fairly short, readable articles--easy to browse. 
StrikeOnline.orgBi-monthly magazine initiated by the Chicago Socialist Party to provide news, views, entertainment, and tools for the Left.
Take Back The
Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World
Union of Concerned Scientists   Accurate, Progressive Science
United for Peace and Justice   Biggest Anti-War coalition.
Women And Children First Bookstore
Women's e-News. . Liberal / feminist journalism about issues of importance to women.  Wide topic coverage, good source for initial topical info.
Working For Change Columnist Page   Working Assets' publication.  Columnists are liberal to moderate leftist.
ZNet:  Z Magazine   One of the best overall progressive on-line info sources.  Comprehensive, good starting point for most topics.
ZNet Author Homepages   including:  Barbara Ehrenreich     Edward Herman     Noam Chomsky  and many more...

E-mail:  Paul Boisvert at
The views and opinions expressed on these sites are strictly those of the authors, and are not necessarily indicative of my own views.  The
contents of this page and the links therein have not been reviewed, approved or endorsed by Oakton Community College.  Last updated 9/8/08


