Oakton Community College Telephone Directory

Telephone Instructions | FAX Numbers | Reserving Space | Phone Directory

Telephone Instructions 2007-2008

In Case of Emergency:

Dial 1888 to reach someone in the Public Safety office.


Telephone/Voicemail Repair:

Please issue a work order using schooldude.com

Long Distance:

All long distance calls (including collect calls and third party billing calls) must be placed through the switchboard operator. Please be prepared to give the operator your name, the office or division to which this call will be billed, and the area code and telephone number you are calling. Long distance is restricted college-wide, including the Oakton operator, from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Toll Free Calls:

800, 866, 877 and 888 numbers may be placed by dialing 8+ 1 + 8xx + number. The OCC operator does not need to place these calls for you. To place personal long distance calls with your calling card dial the toll free number provided; these calls do not require assistance from the Oakton operator.

Local Calling:

Area codes 224, 312, 331, 708, 630, 815, 847, and 773 are considered local calls and can be made without operator assistance. Dial 8+ 1 + area code + number. To dial within your area code, dial 8+ area code + number.

To call the switchboard operator:

From either campus, dial 0 to reach the Oakton operator between the hours of 7:30 am until 7:00 pm Monday through Friday and 8:30 am until 12:00 pm on Saturday during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 7:30 am until 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday during the Summer semester.

Oakton Community College Dialing Plan

The dialing plan consists of one area code (847), two exchanges (635 and 376) and many different extensions. For example, the main number is 847-635-1600. Extensions beginning with a 7 are 847-376-7xxx. For years, "635" was the only exchange needed. However, as the College grew so did the need for additional extensions. In 1999, a second exchange, "376" was obtained when large blocks of numbers were not available in the "635" exchange.

Here’s how it works. Extensions beginning with 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 26 have the 635 exchange. Extensions beginning with 7 have the 376 exchange. Direct extensions are numbers beginning with a 1, 2 or 7 that ring directly to an individual telephone from the outside. Extensions beginning with a 5 or 6 cannot be reached directly. The caller must dial 847-635-1600 and either press 9+5 or 6xxx when prompted by the automated attendant OR press 0 and ask for operator assistance. 5 and 6xxx extensions have the same feature capabilities as direct extensions, including voicemail. Internal and campus-to-campus calls can be made by dialing the four-digit extension number

Please note that 847-635-5xxx, 635-6xxx and 635-7xxx are not telephone numbers related to the College and should not be given out as college numbers.

TDD Phone

Des Plaines Campus 847-635-1944

Ray Hartstein Campus 847-635-1407


To access voicemail on campus for DPC dial 5302

To access voicemail on campus for RHC dial 6302

Telephone Policy

Telephones are the property of Oakton Community College and should be used to conduct college business. All telephone equipment and services are included in the "Policy for Responsible Use of Informational Technology" approved by the Board of Trustees in March of 1994. A copy of this policy is available at the switchboard.

Single-Line Desk Sets (Analog)

Call Forward

This feature allows you to forward your telephone calls to another location on campus. To activate: Lift the handset, dial #1, and enter the internal and/or voicemail extension you wish to forward your calls to and hang up. To cancel: Pick up handset, dial #1, hear a regular dial tone, hang up.

Call Pickup

This feature allows you to answer a call on any extension within your Call Pickup group by lifting the handset and dialing 33. You will be connected to the incoming call. Generally, phones that are in close proximity of each other are programmed into the same pickup group.

Call Transfer

Press switchook, hear special dial tone, dial the extension number of the third party, announce the call in private, press switchook again and the original party is connected to complete the transfer. If there is no answer or the extension number is busy, press the switchhook and you will be reconnected to your caller.

Call Waiting

During a conversation, if you hear two quick beeps, this means a call is waiting. The party calling hears ringing. To answer the new call, press the switchook (first call will automatically be put on hold), talk in private to the incoming caller. Press the switchook to alternate between callers. To insure that privacy is never violated between the two calls, the conference feature cannot be used at this time.


To establish a conference call without assistance from your switchboard operator, press the switchook, hear special dial tone, dial the desired number, announce the conference call, press the switchook to connect all the callers for the conference. Repeat the procedure to add additional callers one at a time for a maximum of three including yourself. If the called number does not answer or is busy, press switchook and you will be reconnected to the original party. Note: Any party can disconnect at any time with connection(s) remaining for the other parties, as long as one party remains on the line from Oakton Community College.


Permanent Hold

The feature allows you to place a caller on hold. To activate: Press the switchook, dial #4 and hang up. The phone will ring intermittently to remind you that you have placed the caller on hold. Lift the handset to return to the caller.

Call Blocking

To block your caller id information from being transmitted, lift handset dial *67, then 8+1 plus the telephone number.

Multi-line Desk Sets (Digital)

Call Forward

This feature allows you to forward your telephone calls to another location on campus. To activate: Press the Call Forward key and the light will flash. Dial the internal and/or voicemail extension that you wish to forward your calls to. Press the Call Forward key a second time and the light will remain steady. To cancel: Press the Call Forward key and the light will turn off.

Call Pickup

This feature allows you to answer other telephones programmed within your call pickup group, from your telephone. Lift the handset and press the Call Pickup key.

Call Transfer

This feature allows you to transfer a call from one telephone to another telephone on campus either with or without announcing the call. Press the Transfer key and dial the extension number. Either remain on the line, announce the call, then press the Transfer/Connect key or press the Transfer key, dial the extension number and press the Transfer/Connect key without announcing the call.


This feature allows you to conference any combination of six, internal and external calls including yourself.

To add a third party conference to an established call, press the Conference key. The person you were talking with is automatically placed on hold and the light will flash. Dial the number of the extension or outside line to be included in the conference. When the second party answers, press the Conference/Connect key to connect all parties. Repeat the procedure to add additional people, one at a time with a maximum of six, including yourself. If the extension or outside line is busy or does not answer, press the key beside the flashing light and you will return to the original party. Note: Any party can disconnect at any time with the connection(s) remaining for the other parties, as long as one party remains on the line from Oakton Community College.


Press the Hold key to place a call on hold and the light will flash. To place or answer another call, press a free or ringing line. The established call is held while you talk privately with the second call. Press the key associated with the flashing light to retrieve the held call.


Call Blocking

To block your caller id information from being transmitted, lift handset dial *67, then 8+1 plus the telephone number.


Meridian Mail

Voice Messaging

Log on - access your mailbox

1. Dial the Meridian Mail number 5302 DPC/6302 RHC or press the key next to the flashing MESSAGE WAITING key

2. Dial your mailbox number (same as your extension), followed by #.

3. Dial your six-digit password followed by #.

To access your voice mail messages from off campus

1. Dial your direct number and press 81 during your greeting.


Log off - To exit your mailbox

1. Press 83

To record your greeting (external or internal or temporary)*

1. Access your mailbox.

2. Press 82.

3. Press "1" for external, press "2" for internal or "3" for temporary greeting.

4. Press "5" (start speaking after the beep).

5. Press "#" when finished recording.

6. To listen to greeting, press "2".

7. Do not forget to set an experation date for your temporary greeting.

To record your personal verification

1. Access your mailbox.

2. Press 89.

3. Press "5", record your name and extension number followed by #

To change your password

1. Access your mailbox.

2. Press 84.

3. Enter your new six-digit password followed by "#".

4. Enter your new six digit password followed by "#" again.

5. Enter your old password followed by "#".

Express messaging

1. Dial 5304 at DPC and 6304 at RHC

2. Dial mailbox number of message recipient followed by the #

3. Press 5 to record a short message and # when you are finished

At this point, here are some of your options:

* 1 to skip backwards 5 seconds.

* # to pause.

* 2 to start message again.

* 3 to skip forward 5 seconds.

* 9 to call sender.

* 71 to record a reply to sender of message.

Moving around in your mailbox

1. Access your mailbox.

2. To listen to each message description (without listening to the message) press "6" to scan each message.

A. To move back to the previous message, press "4".

B. To move to a specific message, press "86", dial the message number and press #.

To record and send a message

1. Access your mailbox.

2. Press 75.

3. Dial mailbox number of message recipient.

4. Press #, #.

5. Press "5" (start recording after the beep).

6. Press # when finished recording.

7. Press 79 to send.

To send the same message to multiple parties

Repeat above steps, at step 3, enter each mailbox number followed by #, and when finished entering all mailbox numbers, press # again. If you entered a mailbox number incorrectly, press 0# to cancel that entry.

To create a distribution list

1. Access your mailbox.

2. Press 85.

3. Enter a number 1 to 9 followed by #.

4. Press 5 (enter mailbox numbers separated by a #).

5. Press # at end of list.

6. Press 2 to review entries.

To forward a message to another mailbox

1. Press 73.

2. Enter recipient’s mailbox number followed by #.

3. Enter second # when you are finished entering last mailbox number.

  1. Press 5 to record a short introductory message, # when you are finished.
  2. Press 79 to send or end.

Note: Messages cannot be forwarded from one campus to another.






Fax Server



Academic Affairs









Advising and Counseling Center 635-2636 635-1497

Alliance for Lifelong Learning









Business Institute



Business Services



Career Services


Childcare 376-7006 376-7725

College Relations


Copy Center 635-1607  

Educational Services



Emeritus Program



ESL Literacy  






Faculty Support



Health Services 376-7010 376-7650
HVAC 376-7005  

Languages, Humanities & the Arts


Learning Center 635-1604 635-1263




Mathematics & Technologies


Nursing 376-7130  




President's Office









Registration & Records



Social Sciences & Business 635-1798  
Sodexho Dining Services 635-2618  

Student Activities



Student Affairs




Space Arrangement Information

for OCC Faculty and Staff

1. All College space is reserved through the Information Desk. You may reserve space over the phone, in person or via e-mail or over the internet by accessing www.oakton.edu/resource/infodesk/roomrequest.htm. Please allow two weeks advance notice.

2. When reserving space, you must be prepared to give the following information to the Facilities Utilization Specialist:

* Title of event * Day(s) and date(s)

* Start and finish time * Office responsible for event

* Will you need a set up? * Suggested space for event to be held

* food service? or (if available)

* audio visual equipment? *Telephone and/or modem access

3. Once your request has been made and the space reserved, a Facilities Usage Confirmation Form will be sent to you. There will be directions attached to the form on what to do next.

Listed below are some special services you may consider as you plan your meeting:

Sodexho (635-1879 - Cafeteria) - food service

Information Desk (635-1668 - Lobby) – message on the marquee room reservations, standing message board

Facilities (635-1780 - Basement) - room set up, i.e. tables, chairs, podium, coat rack

Instructional Media Services (635-1994 - Room 1815) - film equipment, flip chart, microphone, TV, VCR, cardboard signs.

Telecommunications (635-1819 - Room 1170 DP) - telephone and modem needs

Public Safety (635-1880 - Room, 1170 DP: 635-1422 - Room C100 RHC) - parking information, open locked doors

College Relations (635-1812 - Room 1140) - brochures, press releases, special mailings, photographs

Space Managers

If you have questions regarding the area the event is being held in, contact the people listed below:

Board Room, Classrooms, Labs, Student Street, Multipurpose Rooms,

Courtyard, Ray Hartstein Terri Quam 635-1668

Distance Learning Classes Robin Nash 635-1971

Distance Learning Meetings Terri Quam 635-1668

Student Center Ann Marie Barry 635-1699

Performing Arts Center Dan Cunningham 635-1897

Business Conference Center Henrietta Nigliazzo 635-1932

Gym Dave Cole 635-1753

Television Services Bob Burton 635-1998

Oakton Home

Questions about the Oakton Phone Directory should go to patty@oakton.edu, (847) 635-1819.

Please direct technical questions and comments about the Oakton web site to the Webmaster.
Copyright © 2001 Oakton Community College. Last update 1/16/02