Reporting a Complaint
Reporting to Oakton
If you have concerns or do not know where to go or with whom to speak, you may complete a report online, contact Robert Peterson, Title IX coordinator at or 847.635.1745, or any deputy Title IX coordinator regardless of their area of responsibility, or stop in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2270, Des Plaines.
Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputies
The Title IX coordinator investigates complaints against Oakton students and student groups. Contact the coordinator to arrange a meeting to discuss the complaint, 847.635.1745.
- You are encouraged to write up a description of the incident. Remember, the more details you can provide the better.
- Student Conduct may investigate and adjudicate complaints which occur on-campus and off-campus. In addition, Student Conduct may handle complaints that occur at Oakton activities or events, such as study-abroad and school-sponsored trips.
- Remember that sexual violence is a crime. Consider reporting to Oakton Police if the assault occurred on-campus, or to the local police department or agency if the assault occurred off-campus. You may also discuss those options with Student Conduct. However, there need not be a police report or complaint in order for the Title IX coordinator to proceed with Oakton’s Title IX process.
- Once you file a complaint, a hearing officer is responsible for notifying the student or group of the charge, conducting a timely investigation, and determining if there is a potential violation of Oakton policy related to sexual misconduct.
- When you make a complaint, you will be asked to write down what you saw, heard, or experienced. Witnesses may be requested to meet with the hearing officer to provide witness statements. Remember that the person named has a right to see what you write.
- Complainants may bring a support person with them to meetings with Title IX staff.
Reporting to Human Resources
Complaints against Oakton faculty or staff members are investigated by Human Resources at, 847.635.1675.