So you've applied to Oakton and been accepted—congratulations! You've completed your placement requirements and finished your orientation. The next step is to get set up with your course schedule and start your academic journey at Oakton. You're almost there!
You have options for registration. You can register online or in person with a photo I.D. at the Enrollment Center. Registration typically begins several months before the start of a semester and ends on the first day of class or until the class reaches maximum enrollment. You can register for classes after applying and completing all Enrollment Steps. If you have enrolled in credit classes within the past three years, you do not need to reapply. See below for the current registration period deadlines.
Steps to RegisterRegister for ClassesApply TodayRegister for Non-Credit ClassesLate-Start Classes
Note about international travel: Oakton limits connections from outside the U.S. to many of its systems, including myOakton. If you plan to be out of the country for part or all of a term, you will not be able to pay your bill, check your grades, register or perform other transactions usually accessible through myOakton. In addition, some online classes are not accessible from outside the U.S.
Priority registration allows select groups of students to register for classes for the upcoming semester one to three days before registration is opened to all students. There is no additional fee for priority registration. Priority registration is intended to help students who are closer to completing a program of study secure required courses to graduate.
Students who are eligible for priority registration will receive an email reminder of their priority registration date. You may register on your priority registration date beginning at 8:30 a.m. central time or any time after that date, like usual in myOakton.
Generally, students who are in good academic standing and meet the following criteria:
Students who have earned 36 or more Oakton credit hours; or students who indicated veteran on their application for admission | 3 days before open registration |
Students who have earned 18-35 Oakton credit hours | 2 days before open registration |
Students who have earned 1-17 Oakton credits | 1 day before open registration |
Oakton students may register for courses up until 11:59 p.m. on the first day of the scheduled class meeting as long as there are open seats available and all course prerequisites and requirements have been satisfied.
Once the course has started, online registration is restricted. Registration must be done manually by the Enrollment Center and requires a late registration override from the instructor. The steps for the late registration process are as follows:
The Enrollment Services team is here to help make your application and registration processes proceed smoothly. If you have questions about financial aid or how to connect with advising services, the Enrollment Center can set you on the right path. Our Enrollment Services team is well-versed in all things enrollment-related and is an excellent resource to rely on when you're getting started with your journey here at Oakton. Getting ready to pursue a college education can be challenging, but Oakton wants to provide the services you need to help you achieve your dreams.
All degree-seeking students and students interested in enrolling in English or math classes must complete a reading, writing, and math placement. Visit the New Student Resources page for information on meeting Oakton's placement requirements with SAT/ACT scores, High School GPA, prior college credit or on-campus placement testing.
If you are a new student with questions about placement, contact the Office at Admission at 847.635.1700 or
Oakton offers four different types of instruction. When you register for your courses in myOakton, you will see an instruction type below the title of the course.
Learn more about each mode of instruction and helpful tips.