Career and Transfer Center

As part of our commitment to your success and ensuring you get real value from your time with us, Oakton's Career and Transfer Center (CTC) offers a variety of resources and services to prepare you for a meaningful career.

Career and Transfer Exploration

When you meet with a career and transfer coach, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Define your goals for transferring or finding a career.
  • Identify your interests, strengths and preferences to help you choose a four-year school or job.
  • Clarify job values and assess the skills you most want to use in a career.

You'll do all this and much more so you can leave the CTC with a clear understanding of what you want to do—and how to make your goal a reality.

Job Search Coaching

Figuring out what you want to do is just the first step. Getting hired is second. With job search coaching, you will:

  • Create resumes and cover letters that reflect your strengths, experience and qualifications.
  • Become comfortable with networking and learn how to capitalize on the connections you make.
  • Understand how to search for job opportunities using Oakton’s online job board and through other methods, such as social networking.
  • Learn valuable tips for impressing potential employers during interviews.

These are just a few of the job searching coaching skills you'll develop at the CTC.