Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Concentration Information

Program Objectives

To be open, inclusive and welcoming of all members of the Oakton community.

To incorporate inter- and cross-disciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.

To examine oppressions related to gender and sexuality experienced by people in multicultural, transnational, and global contexts.

To highlight the often-overlooked contributions of women to diverse histories and women's struggles for political and human rights.

To celebrate the transformative impact of Women's and Gender Studies on humanities disciplines as well as the social and natural sciences.

To draw on feminist principles integral to cooperative methods of teaching, learning, curriculum development, and research.

To foster critical thinking that examines the complex intersections between gender and other identity categories such as sexuality, race, class, ethnicity, age, and ability.

To meet a wide range of student needs and interests, including seeking personal enrichment, satisfying general education requirements, attaining a WGS Certificate, or preparing to transfer as a WGS major.

To fulfill the unique mission of the community college through programming that supports the WGS curriculum and promotes active engagement with our multiple communities.

Appears to be woman holding up her painting of a head exploding.

Meet Your Faculty

Oakton's women, gender and sexuality studies faculty is committed to providing you with an interdisciplinary education. Our faculty’s varied backgrounds and unique perspectives contribute to each women, gender and sexuality studies course as you learn to critically examine different viewpoints.

What's Next?

We are glad you are considering attending Oakton College. No matter where you are in your decision-making process, we are here to help you with your next steps. Whether you're ready to apply now, need information on paying for college or have questions and want to contact someone, we're here to help.

Contact Us

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Annual Events